So! One of the projects that we were specifically raising money for was the building of a Kitchen for a young girl named Betty (and her family). Thanks to Friends & Family (again!!) we were able to fulfill this task and the project was set into motion before we ever left Canada!
I'm not sure what you imagined when we said we were "building a kitchen"... it may have included a sink and countertop? We weren't sure what to expect either! It's actually more like a mud-hut with an aluminum roof. It is costly for them to build and quite necessary for keeping a fire burning all day and trying to keep unwanted "guests" out!
*** Let me tell you something neat things about Betty! ...For one, her smile is infectious!! She is a very shy girl but such a sweet girl! Her Parents were very gracious and welcoming (and THANKFUL) and her Dad is very involved in her family (which, we found, is not very common). Also, they are a family who shares their resources with the people living around them (many families take from their water collection tank and share their existing kitchen) they really give back to their community.
(when we arrived to work, the Bamboo-framed structure of the Kitchen was ready and Betty's Dad and some of the KCC workers were busily making mud with water that KCC trucked in)
(Joel came on a Field Trip!... Hard to say which course it was for... could have
been Socials, Science, Home Ec.... He was a hard worker!!)
(the Women in Uganda work soooo hard! It's kind of crazy that they always have to
wear a skirt! least I thought so when I was mudding in mine!)
Betty's Family was so pleased with their new Kitchen! Her Mother prepared
maize-porridge for us as a token of their gratitude. (Seriously, I think that
accepting people's "gratitude" was the most challenging part of being in Uganda
for me!... this one was literally a bit of a tuff one to swallow!).
This is the Lovely Betty on the day that we gave her her baskets of household items and cooking supplies to go with her kitchen. She was so pleased to be bringing these items home!
wow, now that's a bit of a different house building project. Not the stick framing I'm used to. Ron