Saturday, October 10, 2009


Monday afternoon, we set a few things in motion for getting the donated money spent where needed (didn't waste any time!!)... ordered some supplies and worked some things out. We also went to MARKET MONDAY (apparently usually a pretty crazy experience... not too crazy for us, but interesting). We spent a bunch of money buying the bed-sets and house supplies generously supplied by our Friends and Family... for our sponsor-child, Grace, and her family.

(no, we didn't buy a radio... I this just stood out as interesting to me!)
I also spent some time in the Dyck-Classroom where Shan home-schools her kids. This made me miss my own kids a little... made me wonder what they would do in school that Day. Shan runs a great classroom and the kids really enjoy being taught by her! ...Amazingly, Finny does everything Av does even though he is a full year younger. Kinda neat! Later in the day, Jeff and Jamie set up 7 Lap Top computers in what is their new Computer Lab for the Staff here ...and with Sean, they helped introduce some Staff to making simple worksheets and excel spread sheets. A pretty exciting day for the Staff here!

Tuesday... Jamie and I started the Day by leading a Devotional for a gr.7 class, then went to deliver TONS of medical supplies that we brought for the Medical Clinic here (and had to sort them!!) ...and I spent a little time helping in the clinic. That was kind of funny b/c I ended up being most needed with the pharmacist... dispensing meds. Not totally my specialty but I was glad to be put to work.

Then we went out with another couple of staff members to check in on a NEW project that has been set in motion (called SODIS).... the purpose of this project is to help people in the surrounding area disinfect their water with SOLAR exposure rather than having to boil it. We found that the set-ups that have been distributed were all in use when we arrived and the community was, in general, very happy with this alternative to boiling their water. Of course it was very eye-opening to walk into these remote communities and see the people who live there (remind me to tell you about the Woman who was so happy to see us that she ran into the bushes and dropped the ANIMAL LEG that she was carrying and ran over to greet us... yuck!but still a testimony of how thankful people are for the work that PAOS is doing in Kibaale).

...the REST of yesterday and Today was AMAZING ...and I will have to write about it at a later time... I'm monopolizing the computer right now. (sorry!).

We are loving being in Uganda. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. This is truly an amazing place!

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